Method of payment
- Visit LASU E-Payment portal: http://www.lasu.edu.ng/epayment
- While on the LASU E-Payment page, you are required to enter your UTME RegistrationNumber in the Column marked with Matric Number/PaymentID/Application Number.
- Select “Main Campus” in the Column for “Campus”
- Select “Undergraduate” in the Column for “Study Type”.
- Then Click on “Proceed” to continue.
- Your details will be displayed with the amount to be paid
- Click the radio box “Confirm information and proceed”
- An invoice with the TRANSACTION ID will be generated. Please PRINT the INVOICE
- Proceed to quickteller.com/lasu to complete the payment using the TRANSACTION ID on your printed invoice
ALL admitted freshmen are required to download and complete the “Students’ Undertaking Form”. The form is available at http://lasu.edu.ng/news/letter_of_undertaking.pdf
This form will be submitted along with other documents during the Central Admissions Clearance exercise
The Time Table for the 2017/2018 Central Admissions Clearance exercise shall be released soon.